Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.  -George Iles

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I'm Still Here

Well, I have hit my 3 month marker for the Guaifenesin Treatment I started.

As the treatment states "You will feel worse, before feeling better".

That's no lie! I've been in a horrible flare and can feel my entire body going through many changes.

Almost as if my symptoms I accrued over the years in a slow process has gone into a reversal at at much faster rate.

I've have such limited mobility (hard to sit up at the computer) and horrible brain fog to keep posting on a weekly basis. I have kept notes regarding my progress and will share when I start feeling better.

I'm in this for the long run. I will continue using this protocol for one year as recommended and continue to blog my journey.

For more information, visit the National Fibromyalgia Associations page



Which of The Following Do You Have?

What other condition[s] do you have?

Have you ever had the following conditions?

National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week, Sept 8-14, 2008 www.invisibleillness.com

I know it's really hard to smile some days, but after watching this video you'll be surprised.

Learn How To Meditate Part 1

Part 2