Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.  -George Iles


This blog is about Fibromyalgia, other related chronic conditions, invisible illnesses and awareness.

Here you will find daily posts and up to date information, resources, realated blogs, ideas to help us feel good, links, favorite web sites, photo friday, music monday meditation videos, upbeat music thursday, uplifting poems, games, videos, guest bloggers, personal experiences, chronic Illnesses, Invisible Illnesses information and other things to help educate, support and deal with FM.

I am a middle aged women who was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia on May 7, 2008 with years of symptoms. I reside in Northern California with my fiance and our 4 children. I love cooking, gardening, watching ice hockey, the great outdoors, card making, arts and crafts.

This illness has enabled me to do a lot of the things I really enjoy and love through out the years.

I'm not a very good writer and I sometimes have a hard time expressing myself. I did However, want to create a place to share, educate, inform and come together regarding this difficult condition we share.

I will post personal experiences from time to time.

Please take the time to read the health disclaimer below.

Thank you,


The information provided on this website is for the general information of the reader and to help patients become better informed to consult with their own physician. It does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship, and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating.

Which of The Following Do You Have?

What other condition[s] do you have?

Have you ever had the following conditions?

National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week, Sept 8-14, 2008 www.invisibleillness.com

I know it's really hard to smile some days, but after watching this video you'll be surprised.

Learn How To Meditate Part 1

Part 2