Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.  -George Iles

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Days 1-3  Guaifenesin Treatment

I took the recommended dose of 200mg's of Guaifenesin two times a day for these three days. I didn't notice any symptom changes. Just my normal excrusating pain through out my entire body. My neck, shoulders, forearms, elbows, hips thighs, knees, ankles and feet.

The protocol states that you should feel worse in the first week and that suggests you are at the right dose, before FM symptoms begin to reverse. It also says that for every year you've been sick it could take a month or so per year to see reversal of symptoms. However, every person is different.

I beleive that I have had FM for years. I remember mild symptoms after my first child when I was in my early 20's. I am 46 now. I was dx'ed in 2008 when my symptoms exacerbated and became dibilatating which was about a year prior.

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